JUWELERYAudio-Jack Pendant The pendant on this necklace is made from an audio-jack. Design by Lozo (Lorenz Docx) & N.O.A. (Michel Hubart)
3D-ARTGuitar Amplifier / Speaker Alternated a guitar amplifier into a speaker for a friends phone. Sounded realy nice certainly for the more instrumental genres. Thanks...
TRASH-ROBOTSTrash Robot - Robo ScorpioTrash Robot Serial Nr. 00110 Robo Scorpio Robo Scorpio is the 6th one, this one also stays together whitout any glue nor screws. The core...
PAINTINGSThe last sighThis abstract and figurative painting represents an old man (left-side view) whom is passing away and while exhaling his last breath you...